Allen ISD Celebrates Dedication of STEAM Center

(Allen, Texas) - On September 24, 2019, the Allen Independent School District celebrated the dedication of its new STEAM Center. Designed by VLK, the STEAM Center supports innovative instruction across the district, offering Kindergarteners to 12th-grade students 111,000 square feet of increased exposure to science, technology, engineering, art, and math-integrated experiences. The Center supports a rich integrated learning experience, which includes many dynamic indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

“Today, we came together to commemorate one of the most unique learning centers in the nation,” said Daniel Pitcock, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Allen ISD. “Now the Center is fully operating to serve every learning level in this district.”

In January, the first class of students kicked off the inaugural K-8 program at the STEAM Center. This fall, the Center commenced the high school program. This campus aims to expand student interests and future workforce needs in STEAM-related areas. STEAM Center courses are designed to instill future-ready skills including collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, and project management within its students. Opportunities for problem and project-based learning, as well as interdisciplinary learning, are encouraged.

“This marks the full realization of Allen ISD’s ambitious vision for its STEAM program,” said Sloan Harris, CEO | Partner, VLK Architects. “It’s been an extraordinary journey for both the district and VLK, but the real rewards will be evident in years to come as this Center plays a profound role in the development of tomorrow’s leaders in STEAM industries.”

About VLK Architects: VLK Architects provides architecture, planning, and interior design services to K-12, higher education, corporate, and institutional clients throughout Texas. For more information, please visit our website: